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You may be surprised to see how much you can control with your keyboard in the Elder Scrolls Online, and how you can speed up your gameplay with key bindings. The following control keys provide shortcuts to many of the most frequently used commands:MovementW, A, S, D – Move characterMouse – Look aroundShift (hold) – Sprint (depletes stamina)Spacebar – JumpCtrl – Enter stealth mode (moving in stealth mode depletes stamina)Num Lock – Activate autorunMenusUI menus often contain several sub-menus. When you open a menu, you’ll see a row of icons across the top of the screen. Accessible sub-menus are displayed directly beneath these icons in text and can be navigated to by clicking the menu name.I – InventoryC – Character screenG – GuildsJ – Quest journalK – SkillsL – Alliance WarM – MapN – NotificationsO – Social menuP – GroupT – Cycle through QuestAlt – Open last-used UI menuEsc – Settings and optionsF1 – HelpCombatLeft Mouse Button – Attack with equipped weapon. AstariaLol the old apple vs PC. Macman is seduced by the darkside of marketing.

But its ok, some of us must play the lemmings.I am a Recording Engineer, and have NEVER used a Mac. Producers and Execs always are amazed at how I can do things so much better (and usually faster) than my counterparts. Basically I am not stuck in the core of an Apple (like a box).The one thing that keeps apple around is people that are afraid to learn more than pushing the same button to get the same results. Hmmm isnt that similar to the definition of insanity thing? ↓. AnonymousI stumbled upon this whole mac vs pc debate.

I just have to say something about this. Macs were so advanced that they only needed ONE button for their mouse! LOL, I hope you got my sarcasm (poe, I know). What do they have now? Full mouse support. Because PCs were doing it much better for so long. This is just one simple example.

Abs-cbn teleserye watch free online. MacOS does have some benefits, just like Windows or.nix systems have their benefits. Don’t be a tool or a fanboy, and be honest with yourselves. Else, you look like a total ignoramus. I prefer a PC, but I can respect those that prefer Macs. Just don’t go spouting off about how superior you think your system is, else you’re just another blind idiot. The blind leading the blind, as they say. Recent Comments.


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