Star Wars Battlefront 2 The Old Republic Mod Rating: 5,8/10 7000 votes

The Old Republic MOD.Jedi Temple Security Trooper.New Weapon Skin for EL-16HFE.New Texture for Rebel Officer.soon Sith Trooper Skins, Republic Trooper Skins, Darth Malgus, Satele Shan, The Old Republic Skins for Resistance and More.

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26 postsMember
I have been interested in some of the BFII mods. Does anyone know how to download them?
Darth malgus mod battlefront 2


  • 8105 postsMember
    You can’t on console. It’s a trade off.
    Theres no 3rd party software which is great but sadly that means there is no 3rd party software.
    (No hacking but no mods)
  • 8121 postsMember
    Yeah, for the price of no hackers, we will suffer no mods.
    You guys are gonna make me rich...
    Xbox G-tag
  • 3043 postsMember
    Mods are possible only if the developers and MS green light them, were bound to see more and more games supporting mods on XB in the future. That being said, I wouldn't expect it from this game, as it's mainly a MP game, and it sounds like they are hopping to sell customization.
    MS has been very open to modding, the only requirements I've seen from games that allow them is no adult content. Of course without being able to run certain other programs like script extenders some more complex mods won't ever make it to XB because they can't run without longer script chains.
  • 2910 postsMember
    The best Yoda loadout:!AveJpgcuWkNfdw7ZwgFzn3T3O8g
    How to effectively play Yoda:
    General discussions about Yoda:
    'Size matters not. Look at me. Judge me by my size, do you?'
    'Attachment leads to jealousy. The shadow of greed, that is. Train yourself to let go of everything you fear to lose.'
    Links to all my Yoda tips/discussions in the spoiler tag to save space. ^^^
    Respect your fellow users (and Yoda), help improve the game and have a great day!© 2020