Now let’s discuss the working of Babcock and Wilcox boiler step by step. First the water starts to come in the water tubes from drum through down take header. The water present in the inclined water tubes gets heated up by the hot flue gases. The coal burning on the grate produces hot flue gases and it is forced to move in zigzag way with the help of baffle plates. As the hot flue gases come in contact with water tubes, it exchanges the heat with water and converts it into steam. The steam generated is moved upward and through up take header it gets collected at upper side in the boiler drum.
InformasiAnime Genre Action:Anime bergenre action adalah anime yang mempunyai unsur, penuh aksi dan gaya ciri khas dari anime tersebut. Di guild Fairy Tail, Lucy melewati banyak pengalaman-pengalaman dan membuatnya menyadari bahwa ia mencintai Fairy Tail. Nonton movie anime sub indo. Ini bisa meliputi, pertarungan, kejar-kejaran, juga adegan extreme berbahaya dan berdarah-darah.Anime Genre Adventure:Anime bergenre Adventure adalah anime yang mempunyai unsur, penuh petualangan dan gaya ciri khas dari anime tersebut. Petualangan ini meliputi, suatuhal untuk di telusuri, luar ruangan, alam terbukaAnime Genre Comedy:Anime bergenre Comedy adalah anime yang mempunyai unsur, penuh dengan canda dan tawa dari anime tersebut. Ini bisa meliputi manusia menjadi efek lebay penuh dengan imajinasi konyolAnime Genre Fantasi:Fantasi adalah hal yang berhubungan dengan khayalan atau dengan sesuatu yang tidak benar-benar ada dan hanya ada dalam benak atau pikiran saja.
An anti-priming pipe is provided in the drum. This anti-priming pipe filters the water content from the steam and allows only dry steam to enter into superheater. The superheater receives the water free steam from the anti-priming pipe.
It increases the temperature of steam to desired level and transfers it to the steam stop valve. The superheated steam from the steam stop valve is either collected in a steam drum or made to strike on the steam turbine for electricity generation. The Babcock and Wilcox boiler are generally used to produce high pressure steam in power generation industries. The high pressure steam so generated is used to produce electricity. Advantages. Steam generation capacity is high.
It is about 2000 to 40000 kg/hr. It occupies less space. Replacement of defective tubes is easy. It is the only boiler that is used to generate large quantity of heat in power stations. The draught loss is minimum. Inspection of this can be done anytime during its working.Disadvantages.
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6 Construction of Babcock and Wilcox Boiler 8. Inspection door 10. DamperSteam and water drum (boiler shell):One half of the drum which is. Large-Scale Utility Power Shortly after our establishment in 1867, Babcock & Wilcox designed the world's first installed utility boiler. Babcock Wilcox Boiler Construction and Working, Advantages Babcock Wilcox Boiler This boiler is exclusively used when pressure is above 10 bar and capacity requirement is in excess of 7000 kg of steam/hr. It is a water tube boiler. It is used to operate at high pressures. Characteristics of boiler: 1.
High maintenance cost. It is not much suitable for impure and sedimentary water. In case of impure and sedimentary water, scale may deposit in the tubes and this leads to overheating and bursting of tubes. That’s why water treatment is must before feeding into the boiler. Continuously supply of feed water is required for the working. In the case if feed water is not continuously supplied even for a short period of time, the boiler gets overheated. Water level must be carefully watched during the operation of the Babcock and Wilcox boiler.